SocialSex Review October 2024

Discover steamy fall flings on SocialSex for quick hookups and thrilling encounters.
500,000 Members
 21 % ♀ 
 79 % ♂ 
Good For:
3 / 5
2 / 5
1 / 5
Success Rate:
30 / 10
38 / 10
33 / 10
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Age Distribution:

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SocialSex in 10 seconds

  • SocialSex is an adult dating website where members find a date for hookups and casual relationships
  • The website is a landmine for explicit affairs and brief sexual relations
  • Fully supports the LGBTQ+ community and the lifestyle that comes with it
  • The website is only available in the USA and Canada
  • Has thousands of hot and attractive members who are open for sexual fun - Know more about the community here
  • Social Sex boasts several levels of privacy settings that allow you to reveal as much or as little about yourself as you want
  • Has no mobile application
  • Offers general free services and options to upgrade - Learn more here
  • You can use SocialSex for free
  • Pricing starts at $1.95 / Month - More Information Author Chris Pleines
Chris Pleines
Founder of Dating Scout and Author of the book "Online Dating for Dummies"
SocialSex is becoming popular and making noise in the adult dating world. In terms of features, it has a lot to offer. However, it's hard to contact and connect with other members unless you pay for a premium membership. There are a lot of pop-up ads as you browse the site. 

Who is SocialSex for and not for?

  • For cheating individuals seeking explicit affairs
  • For erotic individuals searching for like-minded partners
  • If you are looking for casual sex and hookups
  • For people looking for serious relationships and deep commitments
  • For singles who want to fall in love
  • Not for uptight and conservative people
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SocialSex Pros & Cons

  • A guarantee to get laid in 100 days or you receive three free months
  • Has an active pool of members who are open for hookups
  • Decide to turn off the sexually suggestive images and have a clean view of the website even in a public place
  • The website doesn't work on other web browsers
  • SocialSex still uses an old Flash design in the registration process
  • Some accounts on the site are fake due to lack of identity verification

How much does SocialSex cost?

Can you try SocialSex for free?

  • You can use or try the service for free.
  • You cannot send messages for free
  • You cannot read messages for free on SocialSex

Is SocialSex expensive or cheap?

In comparison to other providers SocialSex is average.

Duration / Credits / CoinsCostsTotal
1 Month34.95 USD / Month34.95 USD
3 Months23.32 USD / Month69.96 USD
12 Months12.50 USD / Month150.00 USD
3 Days1.95 USD / Day5.85 USD
1 Month29.95 USD / Month29.95 USD
3 Months19.98 USD / Month59.94 USD
Free Features
  • Registration
  • View profiles
  • View basic profile
Premium Features
  • Get access to hardcore porn
  • Send messages to all members
  • View complete profile

Gold Membership Features

  • Be on top of the Search Result
  • Watch hardcore porn videos
  • Access other members' webcams
  • 100-day guarantee
  • View member profiles
  • Contact other members
  • IM and chat

Silver Membership Features

  • 100-day guarantee
  • View member profiles
  • Contact other members
  • IM and chat

You may use your credit card or checking account for the payments. All plans are set to auto-renew by default. You may adjust this setting as you wish. If you would like to cancel your premium plan, you will be billed for a separate charge under the name EPOCH,,, or Webbilling as mentioned on their page.

How can I delete my SocialSex account and cancel my subscription?

Please find more information here

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Who is signed up on SocialSex?

500,000 from USA
Members activity
250,000 active weekly
Gender Proportion
21 %
79 %
  • Members are looking for hookups and short-term fun
  • There are more male than female users
  • LGBTQ+ community members are welcome to join
  • Users are open to different sexual ideas
  • Tons of active members

Members who join SocialSex are liberated people or those who would like to explore their sexuality through short-term relationships and hooking up with new people.

Based on available data, there are more males than female members. You'll find members from all genders and sexual orientations. You'll even find couples and be their third wheel. The site welcomes any member who is at least 18 years old. But most of them are young adults from 18 to 34 years old. Since the website is only available in the United States and Canada, its population is a bit smaller compared to similar dating websites.


SocialSex Age Range and Age Distribution

  • 18-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44
  • 45-54
  • 55+

New members at SocialSex in October 2024 in comparison

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SocialSex in Detail

  • Reading time 16 minutes
  • Lots of insider information for more success

How to Sign Up for SocialSex

SocialSex SignUp
  • You must be at least 18 years old to sign up
  • You can sign up using your username and password
  • Couples can sign up to share a single account
  • You must sign up to browse SocialSex

To sign up, visit the SocialSex website. To complete the registration, provide all required information.

Required Information on Signup
  • Username
  • Date Of Birth
  • Location
  • Type of relationship you are looking for
  • Ideal Partner's Gender
  • Your Gender
  • Questionnaire about you

SocialSex offers the following methods to verify your account:

  • Verification email (required)

SocialSex will ask you for your email address and send you a link to confirm your account. 

Making Contact on SocialSex

SocialSex Search
  • Add Friends
  • See who's viewed your profile
  • Get matched to other members
  • Meet others in the chat room
  • Send 'Flirts'
  • Send emails
  • Request a Date
  • Block/Report a user

    Sending and receiving messages is only for premium members, but free users can still initiate contact by adding interesting profiles on their friend's list and sending flirts to show interest.

    All members get matches based on location. Members can also report and block abusive/suspicious accounts on the website.

    On the other hand, premium users get to have access to hardcore porn videos as well as view intimate photos of other members. They can also request dates from members they are attracted to.

    Members also have the option to browse and search for members manually. Premium members may enjoy advanced searching as well. 

    Search Filters

    • Gender/ sexual preference
    • Age
    • Sexual Interests
    • Address
    • Location (miles in radius)

    SocialSex Profile Quality

    SocialSex Profile
    • Detailed profile information
    • Viewing of the complete profile is for premium members
    • Upload photos and videos
    • Post a profile status
    • Rate a photo
    • Profile pictures are visible to everyone for free

    Profile pages of SocialSex members can be as detailed as they want them to be. There are many sections where they can share more about themselves, including their interests and physical characteristics.

    The top part of the profile looks like a scrapbook. You will see the photo/photos uploaded by the member. However, not all photos are viewable. Some are set to private, and only the member can allow another person to view them. Nonetheless, you can still check out the main photo and other public photos there. Another interesting part of the profile is the photo of the declared location of the member. It usually is the beautiful scenery that represents that place.

    A part of the profile looks like a "Post-it" where a member can type a note or a short narrative about him/herself.

    Other information includes physical characteristics, interests and sexual preferences. This information can only be viewed by paying members. Since SocialSex only verifies its members via email, fake profiles are present on the website.

    SocialSex App

    • No available mobile application
    • Has a mobile version
    • The mobile version is difficult to use
    • Only available in the US and Canada
    • The mobile version has fewer functionality than the web version

    SocialSex has no available mobile application but users can access its mobile-optimized website. The mobile version is difficult to use because not all browsers can support its old Flash design. Plus, it is only available in the US and Canada making it less accessible for interested people. The mobile version has fewer functionalities than the web version.

    Special Features

    Here are the special features of SocialSex:

    Live Webcams

    Get ready to find some explicit content and members doing something sexual online. Only premium members have access to this feature.

    Video Chat

    Video chatting is available for SocialSex members. You can meet your matches through video calls and know each other more before actually meeting up and hooking up.

    How can I delete my SocialSex account and cancel my subscription?

    How can you cancel your Subscription?

    • You can cancel by sending an email

    Will your subscription automatically renew?

    • Yes, your SocialSex subscription will automatically renew. The notice period for opting out of automatic renewal is 1 Day.

    Is there a money back guarantee and do you get refunded the full amount?

    • Usually you will not get back the full amount, it will be reduced by the time or credits you used for SocialSex.

    SocialSex FAQ


    What is SocialSex?

    SocialSex is an adult dating site for members who are looking for some casual hookups.

    Who created SocialSex?

    Social Sex was created by Chretien Schouten in 2012.

    Does SocialSex have an app?

    No, as of the time of testing, there is no available app version for SocialSex.

    Who owns SocialSex?

    SocialSex is owned by Winchester Solutions Ltd., a company registered in the UK.

    Is SocialSex for all genders?

    Yes, SocialSex welcomes members from all genders. In fact, they support and advocate for members of the the LGBTQ+ community.

    Can I register for SocialSex using my Facebook account?

    No, you can only use a valid email address to register to SocialSex.

    Is SocialSex a scam?

    No, SocialSex is a real site where members can find real members. However, not all members are ensured to be real, nonetheless, the site itself has a legitimate process of collecting payments and the site is secured.

    What is the average age of users on SocialSex?

    The average age of SocialSex users is between 30-37 years. You can find more information here


    How to delete SocialSex account?

    You have to contact the site to request for the deletion of your account. Provide information such as username, address, email address, and some credit card/ account details.

    How can I pay for my SocialSex premium account?

    You can use your credit card or checking account to pay for your premium account. Just choose the plan that you want and follow the payment procedure on the page.

    How can I block another SocialSex member?

    On the member's profile, you can find the second to the last icon below the profile picture. It says "Block User." Click on the icon and confirm.

    How to report another member in SocialSex?

    Click on the last icon below the member's profile photo. It is color yellow with a clack exclamation point. You can read below the icon the words "Report Abuse."

    How do I stop receiving emails from SocialSex?

    To set email alerts on/off, go to the Email Notification Settings page from the "Mail" page or "Account Options" page. There you'll be able to set your preferences for AutoMatch, friend lists, hookup now lists and other special features.

    How long will it take for my profile to be posted?

    All profiles are subject to the website's profile guidelines. Because of the very high number of new members, the time it takes to verify and post a profile will vary. Our goal is to have your profile verified and posted within 72 hours. You will only receive a notification if your profile has been rejected or required modification.

    Can I browse SocialSex without an account?

    No, you cannot browse profiles on SocialSex without signing up.

    What is needed to open a SocialSex account?

    To open a SocialSex account, download the SocialSex App on your iOS or Android device or visit the SocialSex website. To complete the registration, provide all required information:
    • Username
    • Date of Birth
    • Location
    • Type of relationship wanted
    • Partner's Gender
    • User's Gender
    • Personal Questionnaire required on signup


    How does SocialSex verify accounts?

    SocialSex only verifies accounts via email. But this doesn't guarantee the authenticity of profiles so always be careful of suspicious accounts.

    How will SocialSex appear on my credit card billing?

    Your payment will appear as a separate charge by either EPOCH,, or Webbilling (dependent on which company your transaction is with) on your credit card or bank account statement. 

    Does SocialSex sell your data?

    No, SocialSex does not sell your data.

    Was SocialSex hacked in the past?

    No, SocialSex was never hacked.

    How accurately does SocialSex track your location?

    SocialSex does not track your location.

    Do your SocialSex profile pictures or profile information appear in Google Search Results?

    No, your SocialSex photos and personal information will not appear in Google Search Results.

    Who can view your pictures on SocialSex?

    All SocialSex users can view your pictures.

    Is your phone number required for signing up at SocialSex?

    No, you don't need a phone number to sign up on SocialSex.

    Can you erase your personal data on SocialSex?

    Yes, SocialSex provides an option for users to erase their data.

    How can I delete my SocialSex account and cancel my subscription?


    Can you try SocialSex for free?

    How much does SocialSex cost?

    SocialSex typically costs between 5.85 USD and 150 USD. Compared to other dating services, SocialSex's membership costs is average. You can find more information here

    How much does it cost to sign up on SocialSex?

    You can sign up for SocialSex for free, but to use its premium features you must upgrade. You can find more information here

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    • We are the Author of the Book "Online Dating for Dummies" - read more on our About Us page 
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    Final Results table

    Signing Up: 3.0 / 5
    Making Contact: 2.5 / 5
    Profile Quality: 3.0 / 5

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    Contact details

    Company:SocialSex Inc.
    Address:California, USA