So Syncd October 2024 Review

Experience fall love with So Syncd! Find your match based on Myers & Briggs. Perfect for dating & relationships.
75,000 Members
 54 % ♀ 
 46 % ♂ 
Good For:
3 / 5
3 / 5
2 / 5
Success Rate:
1 / 10
38 / 10
33 / 10
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Age Distribution:

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So Syncd Review in 10 seconds

  • So Syncd uses psychological matching of partners based on a personality test
  • A free dating app for people looking for casual relationships
  • Majority of the users are late teens and adults
  • Contacting is free for matched users
  • Personality test needed upon signup
  • The app will show if you are a good match or not
  • Price is in average range compared to other dating sites. Read more about pricing here
  • Find users near you as the location and distance are displayed per profile
  • Personality type shown on profile
  • You can use So Syncd for free
  • Pricing starts at $11.33 / Month - More Information Author Chris Pleines
Chris Pleines
Founder of Dating Scout and Author of the book "Online Dating for Dummies"
So Syncd is a good dating app for the younger generation. It is also perfect for those who want to easily find someone who matches their personality. The app is very user-friendly and easy to navigate.

Who is So Syncd Review for and not for?

  • Singles who are into casual dating and flirting
  • Singles who want to easily find a good match
  • If you are looking for exclusive dating services with premium features
  • If you are looking for short term dating with no strings attached
  • People who hate taking online tests
  • Singles who are 45 years old and older
  • People who dislike quick matchmaking
  • For people looking for serious relationships and deep commitments
  • For singles who want to fall in love
  • If you're searching for erotic adventures
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So Syncd Review Pros & Cons

  • Match with compatible personality types
  • Stop wasting time on people who does not understand you
  • Unlimited chat messages to matches
  • Will not receive unwanted messages from people that you don't match with
  • Limited number of users
  • No anonymous payment methods
  • Cannot post images on profile

How does So Syncd Review work?

    How much does So Syncd Review cost?

    Can you try So Syncd for free?

    • You can use or try the service for free.
    • You cannot send messages for free
    • You can read the first messages in your inbox for free

    Is So Syncd expensive or cheap?

    In comparison to other providers So Syncd is average.

    Duration / Credits / CoinsCostsTotal
    So Syncd Gold
    1 Month22.49 USD / Month22.49 USD
    3 Months16.33 USD / Month48.99 USD
    6 Months11.33 USD / Month67.99 USD
    so syncd price
    Free Features
    • Unlimited chat messages to matched profiles
    • View other people's profile including more photos
    • Limited to only 30 likes per day
    • Temporarily hide profile
    • Expand location up to 500 miles to view more profiles
    • "Like" users you want to chat with and "Pass" to skip
    Premium Features
    • Find match faster
    • Send one message per day to someone you are not matched with
    • Change your location
    • Check if receiver have seen your message
    • Unlimited likes
    • Use incognito mode to hide profile to certain users
    • Search for specific personality types

    So Syncd Gold is designed to help you find connections faster. Aside from the basic features, it will allow you to:

    • Change your location
    • Send one message per day to a person you are not matched with
    • Check if the receiver of your chat saw your message
    • Send unlimited likes 
    • Search for specific personality types
    • Go Incognito Mode so you only appear to selected people

    Since this is a dating app, all payments, subscriptions, and refunds will be done through iTunes/Apple Store or Google Play Store. So Syncd has no direct access or control to any payments and cancellations.

    How can I delete my So Syncd account and cancel my subscription?

    Please find more information here

    Back to Overview

    Who is signed up on So Syncd?

    75,000 from USA
    Members activity
    19,000 active weekly
    Gender Proportion
    54 %
    46 %
    • In order to register you need to fill out a personality test
    • Over 380,000 members worldwide
    • Most of the member base are late teens to young adults
    • 20% of the users are from the US
    • Dating app is recommended for younger generation

    Dating apps are easier to use for teens and young adults. Using their mobile phones, they could look for friends, relationships, and just a person they can communicate with. Its fresh and minimalist design is a hit for the younger generation.

    People aged 45 and up may not find this app useful since most members are young. Although it is user-friendly to all generations, older people might feel out of place here.

    While most users are from the United Kingdom, there are also members from the United States, Kyrgyzstan, Argentina, and Ireland.


    So Syncd Age Range and Age Distribution

    • 18-24
    • 25-34
    • 35-44
    • 45-54
    • 55+

    New members at So Syncd in October 2024 in comparison

    Here you can see how membership figures at So Syncd are developing compared to others

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    So Syncd in Detail

    • Reading time 16 minutes
    • Lots of insider information for more success

    How to Sign Up for So Syncd Review

    so syncd signup
    • Needs personality test before sign up
    • Mobile number not required for registration
    • You are required to enable your location in order to proceed
    • Profile photo required upon registration, you can add more images later on
    • Some profile information not required upon sign up

    Registration to So Syncd can be done through the website or the app. When you signup for the website, you need to download the app to continue with the registration. Required fields include your name, date of birth, email, and personality type. Passwords must be 8 characters long. 

    In case you do not know your personality type, you need to take the free 5-minute quiz. This is required in order for you to create an account on the website. You will be asked to choose your gender, what you are interested in, and to enable your location. Your location is important since So Syncd will show how far away other members are from you. If you visit another country, you can change your location through the paid So Syncd Gold account.

    After signup, you can now start viewing other people's profiles based on your preferences in age, distance, personality, and gender.

    Making Contact on So Syncd Review

    so syncd contact
    • Unmatch yourself from another user to stop him or her from messaging you
    • You can only chat users you don't match with if you avail So Syncd Gold
    • The basic account allows free 30 "likes" per day
    • Avail So Syncd Gold to check when a receiver sees your message
    • There is a chatroom
    • Once you find a match, it is free to chat with that person.

    So Syncd allows you to send unlimited messages to a match. However, if you want to chat with someone who did not like you back, you need to avail the So Syncd Gold premium subscription. You can now send one message per day to someone you haven't matched yet. In the Gold account, you can also see if the receiver has seen your message.

    In case you want to stop talking to someone, you have the option to "unmatch" or "report/block" the user through the chat settings.

    Its match service will show you profiles that may be compatible with your personality. You can tap the heart icon if you "like" them or the X icon if you want to skip. Users of the free account can send 30 "likes" per day. The app will show your "Received Likes" and you will get a notification when a user "likes" you. If you "like" them back, you will find a match and you can start chatting for free.

    So Syncd Review Profile Quality

    so syncd profile
    • Profiles show your personality
    • Your location and distance from other users are displayed
    • Other profile details also shown once provided
    • You can add more photos on your profile
    • The profiles are not very detailed
    • The profile information can be changed later
    • Profile pictures are visible to everyone for free

    A member's profile will display the personality type, location, distance from you, and age. If provided, it will also show other personal details like work, education, height, drinking, smoking, religion, star sign, and food choices. Apart from the primary photo, you can also view other images uploaded by the user.

    You can write more information about yourself with a limit of 500 characters. There are also prompts that will appear on your profile. Available templates include prompts that say "My love language is...," "You should message me if...," and many others. This will give others a little more detail about your personality.

    If you wish to change anything, you can still edit your profile later on. You can also retake the personality test and update your personality type. However, you are only allowed to change your personality type three times.

    So Syncd Review App

    so syncd app
    • Available to download for free in Apple App Store and Google Play Store
    • Mobile app has all the functionality not found on the website
    • Easy contacting functions
    • Match service allows you to "like" users you want to match with
    • Gets daily poll that also tests your personality

    Perfect for users on the go, this dating app is easy to navigate with a nice minimalist design. Its functions are simple from choosing profiles to messaging a user.

    There are icons for each tab with different function which includes your profile, Daily Poll, profiles near you, received likes, and chat. You will see all your chats in one tab which also displays new matches.  You can always update and edit your profile if you want to. The Daily Poll will show fun questions that you can answer daily. It also comes with a share button if you want to share the test results with your friends.

    When you try to do a function that is only available in the paid subscription, you will get a prompt showing you different plans and what you will get in So Syncd Gold.

    Special Features

    While So Syncd has features similar to other apps, it also has special features that are unique in the app. 

    Location and Distance Display

    If you are looking to date or meet up with someone, it is easier to do that since every member's profile will show you where they are located and how far they are from you.

    Personality Test

    One thing that is unique for So Syncd is its personality test. You can take this for free before signing up. You can also try to retake it even after you register.

    Displays Personality Type

    Your personality type will appear on your profile. You can also see other members' personality types. This will be used as the basis for matching people on the app.  

    Match Score

    You can see how compatible you are with a person whenever you check a profile. It will show the percentage match based on your personality. This way, it is easier for you to find someone whom you can get along well with. It shortens the time you spend searching for a person who can understand you.

    Hide Your Profile

    If you want to take a break from using the app, you can go to Settings and enable Hide Profile Setting. This will temporarily hide your profile. But you will not lose your messages and matches.

    Incognito Mode

    You can choose to only be seen by people you want to interact with by enabling Incognito Mode. But even if others cannot see you, you can still view other profiles and send likes. This feature is only available in So Syncd Gold.

    Daily Poll

    Every day, you will get a notification about a new poll. This is a special feature to make the app more fun. You can just answer the poll and get a result about your personality. You also have the option to share the result with your friends.

    How can I delete my So Syncd account and cancel my subscription?

    Uninstalling the app will not cancel your subscription.

    How can you cancel your Subscription?

    • You can cancel via profile settings

    Will your subscription automatically renew?

    • Yes, your So Syncd subscription will automatically renew. The notice period for opting out of automatic renewal is 1 Day.

    Is there a money back guarantee and do you get refunded the full amount?

    • Usually you will not get back the full amount, it will be reduced by the time or credits you used for So Syncd.

    So Syncd Review FAQ

    Free Features

    Is it free to chat other users?

    Yes, you can send unlimited messages to users that you matched with. You need to avail So Syncd Gold in order to send one message per day to a user you are not matched with.

    Is the personality test free?

    Yes, you don't need to pay anything to take the personality test. Results are instant. 


    What is So Syncd?

    So Syncd is a free dating app that connects compatible personality types based on the work of Carl Jung, Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Cook Briggs. 

    When was So Syncd created?

    It was created in February 2021 during the pandemic with the aim to help people find love faster.

    Which personality test is So Syncd based on?

    The free personality test is based on the work of Carl Jung, Isabel Briggs Myers, and Katherine Cook Briggs.  

    What is the average age of users on So Syncd?

    The average age of So Syncd users is between 29-36 years. You can find more information here


    Is So Syncd available in iOS and Android?

    Yes, you can download So Syncd on both iOS and Android 

    Is the chat feature free?

    Yes, the chat feature is free. But you can only chat with a user if you are a match.

    How will I know my personality type?

    Prior to registration, you can take a 5-minutes personality test with instant results. There are 16 types of personality. The test will determine if you are INFJ: So Thoughtful, ENTP: So Visionary, etc.

    How do I find a match?

    After registration, you will see others who are looking for connections. Simply tap "like" (♥️) if you want to match with them or "pass" (x) to skip. You will find a match when someone "likes" you back. 

    How will I know if our personalities match?

    When both of you "like" each other on the app, you will be matched. You can see the percentage of compatibility per user before you can "like" them. For example, it will show "100% match" if So Syncd thinks your personalities are compatible. 


    Can I cancel my So Syncd Gold subscription?

    Yes, you can cancel your subscriptions or issue refunds. However, Apple/Google will handle all payments/refunds and subscriptions. Manage your subscriptions via iTunes and App Store or Google Play Store.

    Can I still use the app when I can cancel So Syncd Gold?

    Yes, you can still continue using the app. However, you cannot access other features that are part of the paid subscription.

    How do I delete my account?

    To delete you account, just go to Profile () → Settings (⚙️) → Delete. But you also have the option to temporarily hide your account. 


    Is it free to sign up to So Syncd?

    It is a free dating app but you can also avail So Syncd Gold to access more special features. You like 30 people per day and can send unlimited messages once you have matched with someone.

    How much is So Syncd Gold?

    The price starts at $22.49 for one month, $48.99 for 3 months, and $67.99 for 6 months.

    Can you try So Syncd for free?

    How much does So Syncd cost?

    So Syncd typically costs between 22.49 USD and 67.99 USD. Compared to other dating services, So Syncd's membership costs is average. You can find more information here

    How much does it cost to sign up on So Syncd?

    You can sign up for So Syncd for free, but to use its premium features you must upgrade. You can find more information here


    Does So Syncd sell your data?

    No, So Syncd does not sell your data.

    Was So Syncd hacked in the past?

    No, So Syncd was never hacked.

    How accurately does So Syncd track your location?

    So Syncd tracks your exact location.

    Do your So Syncd profile pictures or profile information appear in Google Search Results?

    No, your So Syncd photos and personal information will not appear in Google Search Results.

    Who can view your pictures on So Syncd?

    All So Syncd users can view your pictures.

    Is your phone number required for signing up at So Syncd?

    No, you don't need a phone number to sign up on So Syncd.

    Can you erase your personal data on So Syncd?

    Yes, So Syncd provides an option for users to erase their data.

    How can I delete my So Syncd account and cancel my subscription?

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    Why Can You Trust Us?

    • We have been testing and publishing online dating reviews for over 15 years
    • We have carefully reviewed over 3,058 dating services
    • Our dating site reviews and results are objective and independent in contrast to many other comparison sites
    • We update our reviews every month based on new site/app offerings and feedback from our readers
    • We are the Author of the Book "Online Dating for Dummies" - read more on our About Us page 
    • Our Dating Experts are constantly cited by press and TV outlets, find out more here

    Final Results table

    Signing Up: 4.0 / 5
    Making Contact: 4.0 / 5
    Profile Quality: 3.5 / 5
    App: 4.0 / 5

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    Contact details

    Company:So Syncd Ltd
    Address:71-75 Shelton St, London WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom
    Phone-Hotline:+44 7950 189738