XXX Dating Review October 2024

Discover the top sex network this fall at XXX Dating. Learn more in this review.
20,000 Members
 45 % ♀ 
 55 % ♂ 
Good For:
5 / 5
5 / 5
4 / 5
Success Rate:
0 / 10
38 / 10
33 / 10
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Age Distribution:

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XXX Dating in 10 seconds

  • Adult online dating site that only accepts people seeking hookups, one night stands, or sexual affairs with privacy
  • Site promises to bring together kinky and horny adults
  • Site hires third-party sites to provide erotic services for its members
  • Many reported fake profiles
  • Get five free credits if you verify your age
  • Women can send messages for free
  • There is an "Adult Games" section with sexual content. Learn more
  • 3-day premium membership trial available for a minimal cost
  • You can use XXX Dating for free
  • Pricing starts at $11.65 / Month - More Information Author Chris Pleines
Chris Pleines
Founder of Dating Scout and Author of the book "Online Dating for Dummies"
XXX Dating has a lot of unique features that could have been fun, but are spoiled by its lack of real women members. It hires third-party websites to fill in elements that could have been provided by the community.

Who is XXX Dating for and not for?

  • People searching for erotic adventures and casual encounters
  • People looking for kinky webcam chats
  • Those looking for casual sex and hookups
  • People looking for serious relationships and deep commitments
  • Singles who want to fall in love
  • Those who don't want to explore their sexuality in non-traditional ways
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XXX Dating Pros & Cons

  • 3-day premium membership trial available
  • Many special features to use
  • All photos uploaded to the site are verified for privacy
  • Many reported fake profiles
  • No mobile app available to download
  • Customer support is unresponsive to member complaints

How much does XXX Dating cost?

Can you try XXX Dating for free?

  • You can use or try the service for free.
  • Only women can send free messages
  • You cannot read messages for free on XXX Dating

Is XXX Dating expensive or cheap?

In comparison to other providers XXX Dating is average.

Duration / Credits / CoinsCostsTotal
VIP Membership
1 Month29.95 USD / Month29.95 USD
Silver Membership
3 Months16.65 USD / Month49.95 USD
Gold Membership
6 Months11.65 USD / Month69.90 USD
25 Credits
1 Credit19.99 USD / Credit19.99 USD
50 Credits
1 Credit29.99 USD / Credit29.99 USD
1000 Credits
1 Credit49.99 USD / Credit49.99 USD
XXX Dating Price
Free Features
  • Account creation
  • Upload photos
  • View profiles
  • Search for profiles
  • View list of online users
Premium Features
  • Send instant messages
  • Use the video chat feature
  • Add up to 500 buddies
  • View photo galleries
  • Watch live webcam shows and adult videos

All prices are reflected in US dollars. Calling an "online cupid" in the "Free Phone Sex" section costs up to USD6.95 per minute depending on the model you choose. There is also a USD5.95 connection fee for every call.

Recurring billing is set up automatically once you upgrade your account. The amount and frequency of the recurring billing depend on the type of package you purchased upon upgrading. If you fail to pay your account in full within 30 days of the invoice date, you need to pay interest on the past due amount at a monthly rate of 1.5 percent, or the highest amount allowed by law. 

How can I delete my XXX Dating account and cancel my subscription?

Please find more information here

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Who is signed up on XXX Dating?

20,000 from USA
Members activity
5,000 active weekly
Gender Proportion
35 %
65 %
  • There are more men than women
  • Members are mostly from the younger to middle aged groups
  • There are couples on the site
  • Most of the members are from the United States
  • Majority of the members are simgles

Most of the members are from the United States, but there are people from other countries such as the Australia, South Africa, Kenya, Belarus, Bangladesh, the United Kingdom, and Canada.

The population is a bit on the younger side, but the membership is almost even across all age groups. There is not much significant difference between the number of males to females. There are couples on the site who are after swinging activities, but there are still a lot of young, single women who are looking for some hook ups and extra-martial affairs.


XXX Dating Age Range and Age Distribution

  • 18-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44
  • 45-54
  • 55+

New members at XXX Dating in October 2024 in comparison

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XXX Dating in Detail

  • Reading time 16 minutes
  • Lots of insider information for more success

How to Sign Up for XXX Dating

sign up
  • You must be at least 18 years old to sign up
  • You can sign up using your username and password
  • You must sign up to browse XXX Dating

To sign up, visit the XXX Dating website. To complete the registration, provide all required information.

Required Information on Signup
  • Username
  • Date Of Birth
  • Location
  • Ideal Partner's Gender
  • Your Gender
  • Greeting/Profile Bio

XXX Dating offers the following methods to verify your account:

  • Verification email (optional)

Making Contact on XXX Dating

making contact
  • Free male accounts may send messages using credits
  • There is an "Adult Games" section with sexual content
  • You can add another member as a "buddy" to easily access their profile next time
  • Only women can send free messages
  • There is a chatroom

The site has a lot of pop-ups that pose as "chat request" or "photo sharing request" but are actually links to other websites. These pop-ups have the same format as the site so it can easily confuse a member into thinking that it is a real notification.

A lot of other features of XXX Dating require a third-party website to use. The "Adult Games" feature has games such as "Call of Booty," "Grand Fuck Auto," and "Hard Knight Rises" in it. Clicking a game will open another website outside of XXX Dating.

XXX Dating Profile Quality

profile quality
  • You will see all the photos of members even without a paid membership
  • "Galleries" section mostly contain hot nudes and dick pics
  • All photos uploaded to the site are verified for privacy
  • You can create your "Private Gallery" that you can share to chosen people only
  • There are a lot of fake profiles
  • The profiles are not very detailed
  • Profile pictures are visible to everyone for free

The profile information is all about photos. Since the site advertises itself as a "sex network," most people want to keep their information as discrete as possible. This is also reflected in the optional information that members can add, as it mostly pertains to appearance.

XXX Dating also admittedly has "fantasy profiles" created by a third-party company that they hired. A little note on this is included on the last step of the registration as a checkbox for you to agree. These profiles are found on the "Free Phone Sex" section of the site. This section contains models with contact numbers that you can call to have sex on the phone. Although it is labeled as "free," a little reminder at the bottom of the page says that availing this service will cost up to $6.95 per minute, with $5.95 connection fee billed to your credit card.

Special Features

XXX Dating has the following unique features to give a special experience to its members:

Live Cams 

Watch free and premium live camera shows here. Pay using credits to watch a private cam show.

Adult Games

Play "Call of Booty," "Grand Fuck Auto," and "Hard Knight Rises," or "Guido Brothers" for free. Other players do not necessarily come from XXX Dating alone

Free Porn

Do you want to watch good quality, but free porn videos? Go to the "Free Porn" tab located at the homepage.


 You can view recently uploaded images of other members here for free. Your photos will also appear here if you create an album.

Text Messages

Using this feature will allow you to keep in touch with other XXX Dating members offline. You may register to this feature in the "Text Messages" section.

Free Phone Sex 

Have intimate conversations with the woman of your choice through a phone call. This feature is for males and females who are looking for a female partner only.

How can I delete my XXX Dating account and cancel my subscription?

How can you cancel your Subscription?

  • You can cancel via profile settings
  • You can cancel by sending an email
  • You can cancel with customer support

Will your subscription automatically renew?

  • Yes, your XXX Dating subscription will automatically renew. The notice period for opting out of automatic renewal is 10 Days.

Is there a money back guarantee and do you get refunded the full amount?

  • Yes, there is money back guarantee but you only get a partial refund

How much time do you have to undo XXX Dating purchases?

  • You have 30 Days to refund your XXX Dating purchase if you don't like it.

XXXDating may issue refunds for unused credits.

Will your credits expire?

  • Yes, your credits expire within 180 Days.

XXX Dating FAQ


What are private cam shows in XXX Dating?

Private cam shows charges fees to visitors. The charge for such feature will be paid in credits.

How do I confirm my mobile phone number in XXX Dating?

To confirm your mobile phone number, first, you will need to enter your mobile phone number and carrier's information on your mobile account settings. You will receive a confirmation code via text message which you have to enter on the mobile settings page and click "Update."

Can I upload sexually explicit images in XXX Dating?

Yes, but you have to make sure that they are yours. The site will not accept photos with copyright information, text, or celebrity photos.

I changed my profile photo recently, and my previous one is already approved. Why is it not showing on my profile?

The XXX Dating system will check new profile photos even if your previous one passed the verification. Your picture will show if it passed the process.

How do I reset my XXX Dating password?

Go to the member login page and click on the "Forgot Your Password" link below the space provided for logging in. Enter your email address and click "Send Password."

What is the average age of users on XXX Dating?

The average age of XXX Dating users is between 32-39 years. You can find more information here


How can I view my photo comments in XXX Dating?

Click "Galleries" located on the top of the menu bar and then go to "My Galleries." Click on the "Comments" tab to view your photo comments.

What is a "Buddy Network?"

The Buddy Network is the list of your friends in XXX Dating. Your buddies are displayed on your profile page to give you easy access to view or contact them.

How can I create my "Buddy Network?"

This feature is for premium XXX Dating members only. To add people to your "Buddy Network," you should send them a "Buddy" request.

How do I approve Buddies in XXX Dating?

Hover your mouse over "Buddies," and then click on "Approve Buddy." Click on the "Approve" button beside the name of the person you want to be Buddies with.

How long before my profile photo appears in the Gallery?

XXX Dating verifies the photos uploaded in the site. It has a 24-hour approval period before the images become visible to other users.

Can I browse XXX Dating without an account?

No, you cannot browse profiles on XXX Dating without signing up.

What is needed to open a XXX Dating account?

To open a XXX Dating account, download the XXX Dating App on your iOS or Android device or visit the XXX Dating website. To complete the registration, provide all required information:
  • Username
  • Date of Birth
  • Location
  • Partner's Gender
  • User's Gender
  • Profile Bio/Greeting


How do I block an XXX Dating member?

Go to the profile of the person you want to block. Click the "Block User" button located at the top-right part of the page.

When will I receive a reply to my support ticket?

You can create an XXX Dating support ticket inside the site by clicking the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the homepage. You may expect a reply within 24 to 48 hours of sending.

How will I know if my album did not pass the verification test?

XXX Dating would send the user a notification inside the site if his or her photo did not pass the verification test. The picture will also be automatically removed after failing verification.

Can I still recover a deleted message in XXX Dating?

All deleted messages go to the trash tab under "Text Message." Deleted messages will remain there for up to 30 days before permanently being removed. You can recover the message you want before the 30 days expires.

How do I view a private cam show in XXX Dating?

Before entering a private or nude show, you will be prompted with the amount charged per minute as they vary per individual. You have the choice to accept the stated rate or decline.

Does XXX Dating sell your data?

No, XXX Dating does not sell your data.

Was XXX Dating hacked in the past?

No, XXX Dating was never hacked.

How accurately does XXX Dating track your location?

XXX Dating tracks your approximate location.

Do your XXX Dating profile pictures or profile information appear in Google Search Results?

No, your XXX Dating photos and personal information will not appear in Google Search Results.

Who can view your pictures on XXX Dating?

All XXX Dating users can view your pictures.

Is your phone number required for signing up at XXX Dating?

No, you don't need a phone number to sign up on XXX Dating.

Can you erase your personal data on XXX Dating?

Yes, XXX Dating provides an option for users to erase their data.

How can I delete my XXX Dating account and cancel my subscription?


Can you try XXX Dating for free?

How much does XXX Dating cost?

XXX Dating typically costs between 19.99 USD and 69.9 USD. Compared to other dating services, XXX Dating's membership costs is average. You can find more information here

How much does it cost to sign up on XXX Dating?

You can sign up for XXX Dating for free, but to use its premium features you must upgrade. You can find more information here

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  • We have been testing and publishing online dating reviews for over 15 years
  • We have carefully reviewed over 3,058 dating services
  • Our dating site reviews and results are objective and independent in contrast to many other comparison sites
  • We update our reviews every month based on new site/app offerings and feedback from our readers
  • We are the Author of the Book "Online Dating for Dummies" - read more on our About Us page 
  • Our Dating Experts are constantly cited by press and TV outlets, find out more here

Final Results table

Signing Up: 3.0 / 5
Making Contact: 3.0 / 5
Profile Quality: 3.0 / 5

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Contact details

Company:XXX Dating
Address:Athinodorou, 3, Dasoupoli, Strovolos, Nicosia, Cyprus